Ranking for High-value keywords | SaaS SEO Case Study

This case study demonstrates how we ranked for high value keywords in less than 4 months.

B2B, SaaS

Average Position Top 3


< 4 month


This is another success story of the team of Orka Socials. This case study demonstrates how we ranked for lucrative keywords for the SaaS-based company in just 4-5 months with our winning SEO strategy. We have outlined our course of actions, the outcomes, and how long it took us to achieve them. Here is our quick overview that specifies key areas such as:

Nature Of The Business

Our client is an Australian SaaS company offering CRM software for education and migration consultants worldwide. Their products help their clients to manage their business efficiency, primarily targeted to the United States & Australia. Their Saas-based products are dedicated to solving customers’ problems with innovative management solutions that make work easier. 

Key Challenges

Our Winning SEO Strategy / Action Steps

  • SEO Site Audit & Fix
  • Keyword Assessment & Development
  • Homepage Content Relaunch Strategy: Content Outline / Optimization 
  • Content Marketing Through Blog Posts
    • Optimizing Across the Funnel
      • Top of the Funnel Keywords
      • Middle of the Funnel Keywords
      • Bottom of the Funnel Keywords
  • Schema Markup Implementation
  • Off-Page Optimization

Also, we incorporated PPC Campaign Management and Optimization as a part of our Search Engine Marketing action plan.

Let’s dive in, 

Auditing a site was the first and most prioritized approach that helped us to identify a culprit that has affected the site’s health in terms of crawling and indexing. In addition, we fixed some critical issues that existed to make sure the site is technically healthy. 

After that, we identified our ideal competitors while ranking keywords, contents, and links we reverse engineered. Since most SEO signals are concentrated over content and links, we had to carefully identify what types of pages Google was rewarding and what kind of links they were acquiring.  

We then evaluated overall ranked pages and keywords; landing pages, feature pages, solution pages were the ones that were generating massive organic traffic. Afterward, we developed a keyword-based funnel for mapping to respective pages. 

Another most crucial pillar of our strategy was the homepage content relaunch strategy. We performed an on-page audit, identified high-value keywords, and rebuilt the page content following our standard content outline/structure. 

The next stage in our place was content marketing. 

 We categorized our keywords and contents based on the different awareness stages of buyer’s personas in the sales funnel to attract the prospects at the various stages of their awareness. To succeed with our SaaS SEO, we effectively conducted keyword research for search queries of our prospects. 

For top-of-the-funnel keywords, we targeted keywords that our prospects are trying to find solutions to their problems with. 

These keywords are the most popular in searches and clicks, but they’re also the least focused and have the lowest conversion rates. However, they’re meant to raise awareness of your company and establish you as a reliable option further down the funnel.

For these discovery-phase inquiries, it’s usually blog material that ranks.

For the middle of the funnel, we used keywords for consideration of buying stage like features and prices. Because the prospect is still weighing their alternatives, gaining awareness is crucial. For these inquiries, ‘product’ or ‘feature’ landing pages, or something similar, will usually rank.

The bottom of the funnel keywords is targeted for the prospects that are intending to buy. When a prospect reaches the bottom of the funnel and is ready to make a decision.

They know that a solution to their problem exists, and they know who supplies these answers. Therefore, they only need to decide which option best meets their requirements.

We focused our review pages, testimonials, pricing range, offers, and integrations in our content marketing strategies to make our prospects believe that we have the right solution to their problem. 

And you know what happened later?

Everything we did, worked like a charm! This SaaS website ranked for targeted/lucrative keywords in the top 3 positions within 4-5 months and has continuously ranked since then.

Furthermore, we implemented schema markup for different pages that helped search engines understand our content and better represent it in the search results.

With regards to off-page optimization, we included both free and paid links as our link-building plan. Here is our strategy what we did during link building campaign:

– We picked out the ideal competitors and researched their backlink profiles.

– We quickly started our approach for reverse engineering and outranked our competitors.

– We researched the high search volume authoritative pages that could probably rank faster and attract more traffic.

– We built mixed links with a perfect mixture of Follow and No-follow links to boost the search positions.

– We built contextual links pointing to those selected money pages and rank them to the first page of Google search results.

– We ran a Digital PR campaign to boost our traffic.

– We pitched on HARO and build links in top authority pages.

And when all the sitewide SEO optimization had been done, we incorporated the PPC campaign to generate quick sales. Unfortunately, SEO can’t happen overnight, and it can take longer if you want to rank for competitive terms. So we decided and prioritized PPC to bring in more sales within a short time frame. So we optimized our quality score by improving the quality of our landing page with relevance and click-through rate. 

Our CPC bid was set to our marketing objective. We picked the right keywords targeting the customer demands in the google search and reverse-engineered some of the competitors’ tactics. Our ad copy was optimized to be strong with unique selling propositions compared to our competitors. We pruned non-converting keywords, keywords with low-quality scores, and unprofitable converting keywords. 


We weren’t surprised that we achieved massive results in a short time. Within nearly 5 months of consistent efforts, we made the website rank at the top. We were confident in our SEO strategy. It makes us proud that they are now ranking for lucrative keywords on Google. 

before GSC average position
Before SEO Campaign Started
after gsc average position
After SEO Campaign Started
gsc position boost
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