Actionable SEO Strategy For SaaS Companies

If you are a Software As A Service (SAAS) company, SAAS SEO greatly affects your rankings and revenues. Get all the information about SAAS SEO from here....
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Software as a service(SaaS) is continuously gaining popularity which means competition is on the rise. Search engine optimization can be an effective marketing tactic for SAAS companies which definitely helps to improve visibility in a search engine.

Even more, implementing an actionable SEO strategy helps to ensure that your targeted audience can find you online.

What is SaaS SEO?

Software as a Service(Saas) is a type of cloud computing service based on a service delivery model where a third-party provider hosts applications and makes them available to customers over the Internet. Basically, it works on a subscription basis. For instance, if I purchase SEO tools like SEMrush which is SaaS-based SEO tools, I have to pay a certain amount as a subscription fee. On the other hand, SEO is a subset of digital marketing which helps to boost the visibility of a website in the search engine. It is an organic marketing approach(non-paid) of optimizing a site higher in search engines. Just imagine, you are a company that offers a SaaS product and someone found you via a search engine and ultimately buy SaaS products. Sounds overwhelming right! But keep in mind, SEO can’t happen overnight but the right strategy and right implementation will definitely help a hockey stick growth. Therefore, the term SaaS SEO could be used interchangeably as SEO for SaaS. It is an emerging market because SaaS companies are looking forward to leveling up growth using the potential of SEO. Either you are B2B Saas Companies or B2C, adopting SEO as a marketing strategy will pay off. Learn how an Apollo Digital was able to increase from 0 To 200,000 Monthly Organic Traffic within 2 Years. This case study was from one of the top SaaS companies which offers a cloud application for business process management. In this article, we try to dig deep into the SEO strategy for SaaS companies and what you should be doing?

How important is SEO for Saas Companies?

Let’s say you have built an exceptional product and you are sure someone will pitch to your product instantly without any marketing effort, that’s never going to happen. How could someone find the product that you have built? When it comes to generating relevant search traffic, SEO comes into play. Your brand will achieve more success online with the right SEO strategies. That’s why SEO is the first thing we recommend in order to build trust and a long-lasting business to SaaS companies.

For instance, you are a Saas based company in Florida offering marketing automation tools. Your potential keyword for a targeted customer might be like “Saas companies in Florida, “Marketing Automation Tools, Marketing Automation Software For Startups” and so on.

Without SEO, your competitor will likely rank higher for target keywords in your industry. Truth be told you are losing massive revenue to your business. If you were able to rank on those keywords there is a possibility of higher conversion in a business niche.
Google trends showing interest in SaaS over the past 5 years
– Strategy Analytics

What are the right SEO Strategies for Saas Companies?

As we already mentioned, a race within the tech industry is getting more and more competitive. That means SaaS companies have to battle with a wide number of competitors. When it comes to Internet marketing —and SEO is the first thing you should prioritize. As an SEO service based company we highly recommend you to stick on it.

Not only does SEO help you to rank higher in search engines for target keywords, but it allows you to inform your users about your products, become a trusted source of knowledge in your industry, and provide your services to more customers.

Well, you might be wondering what could be the actionable SEO strategies. Here are some of the strategies I would like to share with you all:

Be clear to your business objective

The ultimate goal of every Saas company could be building awesome products that solve real problems. Even more, delivering more than a promise to retain a customer.

In order to execute your business objective, you have to stick with the right strategy and planning. For instance, adopting a search engine optimization strategy which is absolutely necessary to ensure that customers can find your company online.

Know your real competitors

First and the most important thing is to know your competitors and what exactly they are doing in the market. You probably can have a bunch of competitors in the market that is identical to your business objectives. 

You might be wondering how to find the real competitors. You can do it either manually from SERP or via SEO tools. Type a prominent keyword of your business niche in google and competitors will pop right to your screen. 

After knowing your competitors, you can do a competitors analysis. Competitors analysis helps you to build your own strategy to battle in the field of your business niche. 

Let’s say your competitor’s website doesn’t have a blog post, it can be an opportunity and right strategy for you to have a blog section. From blog sections, you can curate tons of informational posts which will definitely help to rank higher in google.

List what you believe are your most important keywords

Let’s say your SaaS companies developed high-end marketing automation software. So what you need to be aware of is what could be potential keywords so that a right customer can find you. 

Keep in mind there might be a stiff competition exists on your SaaS products. Targeting solely on buyer keywords is not enough for higher visibility. Understand a sales funnel is crucial as it helps to better understand a potential buyer journey for your offered products.

Even more, understanding the pain points of your targeted customers, creating an informational or conversational post is always recommended.

Do you know Hubspot? It is one of the leading tech firms that offers a marketing automation platform as a SaaS product. Surprisingly they are heavily focused on content marketing. Since they offered an inbound marketing platform, they curated information content around offered products. Like “what is inbound marketing” and what you need to know about inbound marketing and so on. Publishing information based content around your products helps to build on-site relevancy and helps to rank on topically relevant keywords.

Google Autosuggestion showing a potential keyword for marketing automation business niche

Curate Comprehensive Articles Around Your Business Niche

Everybody loves to read a long-form of the article. There is a big reason for that. The reader does not have to read dozens of other articles to collect the information they need. So, covering a detailed form of content within a single article helps to improve user experience too.

For example, your main keyword of the article is “Project Management.” The monthly search volume for this keyword on an average is 74,00 times based on the US. This keyword is a seed or head keyword, and it’s quite hard to get it ranked on the first page of the search engine results.

In order to rank on those head keywords, you need to cover all the topics related to project management. It’s effortless for SEO experts to find these topics at the end of the SERP. Such keywords are known as the LSI keyword.

You can see a lot of content ideas which are also called LSI keywords in the bottom section of the above image. Creating content around those related keywords with a better interlinking strategy will help you to rank in head keywords.

Focus On Intent Along With Content

Keep the intent of users in mind while they search for the keyword. Let’s take an example that we have mentioned above on keywords like “marketing automation tools”. Now consider the keyword “Marketing Automation Tools” an intent of your reader, in this case, it would either be purchasing marketing automation tools or learn more about it.

Let’s dive even dipper to keywords like “marketing automation tools for email”. It has a clear intent that someone is looking for automation tools particularly for email. Although long-tail keywords have a low search volume, it comes with a higher conversion rate. Above keywords is a clear transactional intent keyword.

Make sure, if the intent of the audience of your website is transactional, the landing page has to be well optimized for your targeted keywords. That makes real sense. On your landing page, you can discuss the features of your products, USP, pricing, and a lot more. 

Write a comprehensive piece about what marketing automation tools are all about and how they are unique from the rest. If you are selling your services, discuss them in your article. 

Fresh Content For The Win

Websites with outdated content are the reason why some sites failed to rank higher in google. In simple terms, google hates outdated content. Since technology is constantly evolving, you need to curate a lot more content on your website.
Intercom content marketing strategy
Websites with outdated content are the reason why some sites failed to rank higher in google. In simple terms, google hates outdated content. Since technology is constantly evolving, you need to curate a lot more content on your website.

Final Thought

No doubt, technology along with consumer behaviour is evolving constantly. Every business faces unique challenges and they sure do adopt the right strategy in order to sustain in today’s competitive market.

Whether your SaaS company is selling products or services either locally or globally, adopting the right marketing strategies is prominent. When it comes to internet marketing, SEO is the first thing we recommend.  Over time, implementing an SEO strategy in the SaaS business helps to go through exponential growth. Most importantly, it helps to visualize the customer journey and reducing the dependency that SaaS companies have on paid advertising.

If you are ready to take your Saas companies to the next level and stay ahead of your competitors, we are happy to help you. Feel free to contact us as our custom SEO strategy can help to grow your business.

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